
Friday, July 12, 2019

Opinions of Partnership and Aspect of Life

Opinions of Partnership and Aspect of Life

After reading a specific part of The Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, it displays how Lenina Crowne was one of the uncommon women who only chose Henry Foster as a partner. It was recommended to have numerous relationships; although it had me thinking why would it seem so negative for Lenina Crowne to have one partner in a relationship? Certainly, family bonding does not exist in their society because then how could there be a commitment in families when there is no commitment to one-on-one partners? Our Freud had been the first to present the negative aspects of family life as "full of madness and suicide," so in their society, "every one is for every one else." Sharing partners and having several partners prevent a commitment to starting a family of their own and failing to recognize the beauty of having a family.

I found it astonishingly clever for nurses to torture eight-month-old children in the lesson of despising the knowledge of books and the love for nature. Demonstrating to the new generation a specific aspect of life to benefit the political world. Although I questioned if the Director had to go to such extremes for the new generation to experience tormenting torture, yet Central London and Conditioning Centre believed it will benefit society to a perfect world of happiness and success.

The company interprets those who have families and homes as savages along New Guinea, which made me curious what other parts of the world they considered as savages. Polish was considered a dead language, meaning, the language is no longer spoken of. I wondered if there are any other abandoned languages as their motto is to develop a more satisfying political world.

~ Trisha Theresse Cornejo

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