
Sunday, July 28, 2019

Technology Will Keep Improving, and so Will We... Right?

       Humans are becoming more and more lazier. With this summer's topics including a lot about technology, I wanted to look at it in a more different way. Sure, technology is always dangerous, i believe that, but they are already hurting us, even me as I type this. All this tech is making everything so much more easier. Our generations start to become more and more lenient on technology. It really makes you question, how will the children of five generations later be like? Will they be physically downgraded, meaning less and less physical people? Will they just all be riding around everywhere in some highly convenient and mobile form of transportation?
       What will become of us in the future, with new advancements in technology? What are other ways that technology can help further? Or will we just become lazier and lazier, slowly rotting away our human bodies? All of us can surely point out things that make life so much more convenient that weren't there when we were wee children. The smartphone!! All I remember was my mom's iPod, but now we have a device that can not only play music, stream videos, access the internet. store games and photos, and so, so, so much more. Kids nowadays will probably never know the rush of running from the bathroom, trying to catch the end of the  commercial break so to not miss anything. Jumping over coaches and bumping into people, all worth it for those few seconds of screen time. Just saying, time flies, and technology with it. But at what point will technology become too convenient for us? Sure we will mentally advance, getting smarter and smarter. But what about our bodies, or health? Will the convenience of new technology actually start to hurt us, the human race? A question that can't be surely answered until the future arrives.

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