
Friday, July 26, 2019

Is Our Society to Blame for Teens Internet Addiction?

     In today's world, the internet and technology is all around us. Because of this, many kids and teens have become glued to their screens enjoying the plentiful amount of things they can do on them. In the article "Is Internet Addiction a Health Threat for Teens?" many people debate whether or not the internet is harmful to teens. 
     One of the debaters, Boyd, argues that parents refrain kids from going out with their friends a lot because of outside threats, which in turn causes kids to use the internet to interact with their peers more. Although correct, Boyd doesn't take into consideration that kids aren't always using the internet to text their friends, but also for online shopping, videos, games, and so many other things. Another point that Boyd makes is "for many teenagers, technology is a relief value" When kids become overworked with homework and other activities, they tend to turn to their screens as a stress release outlet. One of the last points she made was that kids use the internet as an escape from their own lives, and how they can almost always find someone else to relate too on different social media platforms.
     Personally, I agree with Boyd and her main idea of society being the problem and not out screens. Our phones are filled with so many good qualities, such as research for school work, checking the time, setting alarms, checking the weather, and more. Yes, it also has the problem of people spending too much time on them, but it's a response to the society we live in. Teens sometimes feel like a better version of themselves on social media, which makes them want to use it even more. Teens and kids are also constantly able to keep tabs on and communicate with their friends, which is naturally desired by almost any kid. I personally love going onto Instagram after a long, stressful day and laughing at a funny video, so I guess phones really can be a relief value. 
                                                                                         -Brooke Wiersema

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