Amusing Ourselves to Death was written in 1985, and yet is still applicable to the problems and public discourse of today. That is to say, Postman wrote on the topic of entertainment as public discourse, as initiated and perpetuated by television. It still remains relevant today as television still plays a major role in our society as one of our primary forms of communication. Our society today is still an entertainment-centered one, and much of this still revolves around the television. However, today television is no longer the sole form of electronic, instantaneous communication.
In today's world, we not only have television, but also smartphones, the Internet, social media, instant messaging available to all at any given point. Postman's arguments remain valid, but how are they affected by the technology of today? How does social media and the internet play into perpetuating our entertainment-based society? Individuals no longer rely on television as their sole informant, the computers in our pockets now play a major role. Has the situation worsened? Smartphones and the Internet have created a more entertainment-based society than Postman addressed in his book. Which of his arguments remain perfectly valid, which need improvement or modification, and what new arguments can be addressed now that our technology has advanced?
-Tyler Bartschi
These are all strong points that I agree with. While Postman explained the problem with technology in that time, it has indeed worsened over time.
ReplyDeleteWhile his point on technology having some negative effects on society is true, Postman's view isn't as valid as it was due to the fact that technology has become more and more like an important part of our daily lives.
And it has even more negative effects on our society today.
I feel that Postman's points were valid, and that television has been replaced by smartphones. In my opinion, the situation has worsened in the sense that we now are connected. And the use of technology is the main way of communication. I mean look at me right now, I communicating with you through a computer. Postman's examples are out dated, but his ideas are foundational.