
Tuesday, July 9, 2019

(Somewhat) Agreeing with "mass production"

During my read of "Brave New World "by Aldous Huxley, one certain inkling persisted in my head. Even though it may seem very peculiar in the year of 2019, the concept of mass producing workers, CEO's, and children may not seem as bad as it sounds. The issues on pregnancies and the problem of having an uncomfortable amount of kids walking around without a parent to care for them is an extremely high priority that is yet to be solved since the day the U.S. government had been formed. But listen to this, the world depicted in "Brave New World" has completely solved those rampant problems with controlled breeding machines.

Diving into a very controversial topic, in our modern society there are plethora of teenage mothers that do not want to care for a "mistake" and are not wiling to have a chance of dying due to their choice. Even if it is intentional, there is a slim chance a teen mom's baby will be raised properly with sufficient treatment or receive a proper foster family. However, by completely controlling the birth and the future of babies that have been nurtured since they were a single cell, the "Hatchery Center" negates those bleak possibilities of such pain. The book mentions the removal of sexual reproduction in the predetermined adults which drastically, if not excised, the chances of an unplanned carriage. In addition, by scientifically creating life there is no way for any woman to endure the burden of giving live birth.

The process of "decanting" in the book is also a suitable solution to the pressing issue of deprived orphans that our 21st century society has not solved yet. Lend an ear to this, if the children born across the globe are set into a predetermined future, like having "group A" and "group B" go into a specifically needed area of jobs, then there would be no wandering children that do not receive life support.

However, this is just a topic that I wanted to vocalize and have fun with it, this doesn't mean that I fully support this system that does not approve of any personal relationships. There are many cons to this ideas accompanying the possible positive effects so tell me, what is your stand in this perspective?

-Ian Jo


  1. It's interesting to see you approach this differently and present the society in Brave New World in a positive way. I agree that it may be pleasant to live that way because a lot of the pressing issues of today would be solved (as you explained in your post).

    With that being said, these concepts applied to our modern world would most likely never thrive. This is because with those concepts comes a lack of freedom. Yes, it is nice to think of a life with structure and pure bliss, but pain and experience builds character. Without the freedom to go out and feel the ups and downs of life, one would have an unimportant existence. This is what it ultimately boils down to in Brave New World. No one is seen as better, so no single person is more important than another.

    Moreover, it isn't just a lack of physical freedom. It's evidently deeper than that when the population is brainwashed to behave and think a certain way. They aren't even capable of thinking freely outside the box they were assigned to since their creation. In short, it would suck to live in a world like the one illustrated in Brave New World.

  2. I can see how you developed your point of view. I would not have thought about this in a positive way, though. It may be nice to live that way, but there are no consequences, no real happiness, no real experience of life...A life with no troubles or pain seems great. However, like Rosemary said, having pain builds character. The people in Brave New World are brainwashed to believe that they are happy. They do not get the true experiences of happiness, laughter, love, having a caring family...But it was interesting that you brought up this topic!


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