
Friday, July 19, 2019

A Judgmental Society

Television, based on what I have read in Amusing Ourselves to Death, is a useful tool for advertising and other things, such as broadcasting and, obviously, entertainment.  Even though it has these characteristics to it, it also has changed society a lot.  Society has undergone the change from books and reading, to technology, where there is an abundant amount of entertainment and information on television and other outlets and medias.  This has caused many people to change the way they judge and what they base their judgments upon.  For example, as said in the book, people would seek political and social education through speakers and would listen to their words before making judgments on their intelligence or personality.  Now though, people largely base their judgments on how their appearance is, and what their background is, or their image.

I believe this has been a major con stemming from technology, mainly television, which have shaped people's views and distorted people on how they are.  Although I like technology and television, I do see this in many things such as elections and television shows, how people are judged on their image and appearance quickly even before someone hears them out.  This is part of entertainment though, people base their entertainment largely on what they see versus what they hear, in my opinion.  People should recognize this in society and start to give others a chance before they automatically make assumptions on their views and personality.

-Leo Roth


  1. I really admire how you pointed out the fact that people are being judged the moment someone looks at them. It's the sad truth and seems like society is okay with people doing this. No one is putting a stop to it, so we definitely have a long way to go before all hate and bias is completely eliminated from this world.

    To be honest I feel that people are always going to be like this. There's always going to be that one person who just looks for a reason to dislike someone, and there's nothing we can do about it. People have their own thoughts and opinions and have the freedom to express them here in America. However, they should only be allowed to express them only if no harm is being caused. The idea of world peace is just so unattainable and hate is inevitable. Your blog was quite interesting and a pleasure to read.

    1. Yes, sadly that is true, there will always be someone who will be pessimistic and find reason to dislike people.

  2. You make a great point as to how technology has shifted our basis of judgement on people we don't personally know. However, I think that is not necessarily a flaw within technology, but in human nature.

    As you mentioned, we are always going to look for something to judge somebody on. The resources around us are just tools that we used to do that.

    That being said, is it technology's fault that we judge others based on superficial characteristics, or is it ours?

    - Annika Haibel

    1. You bring an interesting point, yes, I believe it is part human nature also, but I also believe technology may be more than just a tool to use for that. To answer your question, it is both technology and our fault on how we judge people, in my opinion, because I see technology as both a cause for quick judgment and a tool like you said.

    2. I actually agree with Annika's point of view because it's just a thing of human nature which is why the saying, "don't judge a book by its cover" was made. Though I do believe that television emphasized this trait because it was able to be broadcasted before. In addition, it may not have been as prevalent before because it was most likely broadcasted over the radio, so a visual image wouldn't be able to be seen.

  3. I completely agree. Technology and especially social media has implanted a certain appearance in our brains so much so that it has become the new normal and any thing different is immediately looked down upon and judged. Its just sad that people cant accept each other for who they are, without any judgement first.

    -Kayla Abdur-Rahim


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