
Saturday, July 6, 2019

The Ending of Brave New World

To me, the ending of the novel Brave New World was quite shocking and dramatic.  John, also known as the Savage, gets into some trouble after rebelling against the new society.  As a result, he wants to live like we live; with emotions, pain, and suffering.

In his new life, John constantly beats himself with a whip, and attempts to "purify" himself every time he does something wrong.  This catches the attention of the media.  A reporter comes to talk to the Savage, who decides to kick the reporter with as much force as he can.

In the end, the Savage beat a woman mercilessly.  Later, a group of people showed up that wanted to see the Savage.  After calling for him multiple times, they enter his home, and find the Savage hung from the archway.

The end of this novel is very similar to the novel Things Fall Apart by China Achebe, in which the main character, Okonkwo, murdered a soldier from the "enemy side", which was just a group of settlers from the expanding European continent.  Because of this, Okonkwo hung himself, and some of the settlers found him there.

-Samuel Dawson


  1. The ending of the novel does remind me of “Things Fall Apart” by China Achebe. However in the end of the book, the settlers leave Okonkwo’s body hanging since they are not allowed to touch him as part of their religion.
    I wonder when John hung himself , if the people did retrieve his body or left it there like Okonkwo’s body? We will probably never know if they did leave it or not.

  2. I liked how you were able to connect such a similar idea to a book in the past, dealing with pain and suicide. I had so much sympathy for John because he was outcast to society, but in our eyes the most reasonable. He saw the true consequences of soma and the society that afflicted him. However, the pain was to much to bear which ended in his demise.


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