In Brave New World Aldous Huxley introduces a disconnected society where advanced technologies have effected their way of life and show the consequences of these changes over time. For example, in the novel, the author uses censorship as form of keeping the community invariable by restricting their freedom of speech and thought. The government limits everything they do, from revealing the truth about their classes, to their ability of going outside. The society sees the difference in each classes way of living, but what they don't realize is that they're all chemically the same. They never question the way society works because the government masks their world with perfectionism. They constantly take away their freedom of thinking for oneself, leaving them clueless about their lifestyle. At a young age they condition them to hate books so they don't have any desire for them. This book depicts what life would be like in complete order, where you're controlled in everything you do. No thoughts, no imagination, no belief system and all uniformed personalities. How would you feel being controlled all your life? Would you act out to try to change things?
Personally, I hate being controlled, I love having structure and directions, but being free is what our world is about. Social media platforms are made for our opinions, "Room for Debates" lets have a choice in what we believe! So other than having a perfect and happy community, why do you think the government in BNW won't let the people be themselves?
- Emma Pedroza
Your propensity to enjoy freedom is a result of your biological makeup. Regardless of your current preferences, were you to be decanted in a Brave New World society you would almost certainly not hold this belief. The BNW government is not necessarily restricting peoples' freedom to "be themselves," but rather redefining what being themselves means.