I found an article that concerns itself with asking whether or not movies about slavery should continued to be made. This was brought to attention after Snoop Dogg called for a boycott against the remake of Roots. His reasoning for this is that Hollywood is only looking to focus on the struggle of black people from the past in order to ignore the struggles they go through now.
Natasha Lightfoot's take on this is that it's important to remember things like slavery in America because it's a central part of it's history. She also says that it gives context on how these struggles for blacks came into existence.
Personally I believe that the making of such movies doesn't desensitize viewers since it depicts the hardships that these people had to go through and what our country is actually built on. Ironically I think it would have the opposite effect since viewers are reminded just how long prejudice against blacks has been built up.
What do you guys think?
-Luis Mondragon
Honestly I think that it can go both ways. We should always remember what these people have gone threw as it is a very important part of American history, but also should focus and fix what is going on with blacks now with more racism and police brutality.