
Friday, August 2, 2019

Concealed Carry on College Campuses

When I began reading the debate entitled “Should Guns Be Permitted on College Campuses?” I initially sided with Amanda Collins. Collins owned a concealed carry permit, but was unable to use it at her college. She is a supporter for campus-carry because she believes it may have prevented her from being raped. While there’s a chance that it would have helped in that case, I think in general it would lead to more violence than prevented crimes. 

Having an abundance of students with weapons increases the risk for more violence. I would imagine that there would be numerous cases where fist fights would turn into murders with the excuse of self defence if everyone was able to carry a weapon. There is the argument that someone with premeditated intent to harm would just carry a weapon into school no matter what the gun rules are, and in that case a concealed weapon from other students would be helpful for stopping the threat. However, in many spontaneous events, such as a fight between multiple intoxicated students, I think banning weapons would result in the least amount of casualties.

-Hunter Wood


  1. I agree, and if anything, having firearms on campus would increase the risk of a much more horrifying school shooting event in which a group of students may work together to carry out the tragedy.
    I'll admit that's a very morbid way of looking at this kind of issue, but it's a possibility nonetheless. People can go to tremendous lengths when they abandon dignity, so if they just gave these people a weapon, there will inevitably be consequences.

  2. I agree with your point. Carrying weapons could lead to unnecessary violence among students. If a student were to have a bad day, it could lead to murder because unrational thinking

  3. I hundred percent agree with the increase of violence from carrying firearms on campus. The amount of trust and self control one would need is to much for a college student who can be quite unstable. The chances of school shootings would also sky rocket and that is definitely something we all want to avoid.


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