
Sunday, June 23, 2019

The Relationship Between Humanity and Artificial Intelligence

When reading the short articles regarding the overall role of artificial intelligence, I cannot help but note the huge surge of technology that has appeared in our society. As noted by author Faith Popcorn of "Artificial Intelligence May Usher in a New Golden Age", the ascendance that AI has had in recent years has been unprecedented, marked by reliance on factory robots, search engines (Siri), and a fast track towards connecting to the outside world. It's widely understood how dominant it is in our society, but I believe that there's an interdependent relationship between artificial intelligence and humanity. Mankind is the original pioneer of technology, and without our creativity and pursuit of the unknown, robots are limited and developmentally stagnant. Just as how Gary Kasparov points out in "As Robots Replace Old Jobs, Humans Create New Ones", robots flourish only with our allowance. However, AI is essential to the survival of our world, where they provide convenient services to man and aid in science, manufacturing, and technology. People are terrified of the idea of robots taking over human sourced jobs, and potentially depriving society of humane qualities because of  this newfound technological control and over reliance.

In retrospective, artificial intelligence and its domineering role can create job loss, where, hypothetically, artificial intelligence can potentially take over our society. It is with the human qualities, however, of imagination and invention that truly dictate how our world is controlled technologically, since we're the ones who are constantly inventing. I am wary of the danger that this technological dependence poses, since artificial intelligence has slowly become the motor behind how we manufacture, assemble, and sometimes function in our daily lives. While I acknowledge how imperative it is to have humans be one step ahead of AI, the power that these robots possess is only because of human ambition, and our ability to persevere and create. This interdependent relationship between humanity and robots remains balanced for the time being, as I am now fully aware of the necessity both robots and humans hold towards each other.
- Madison Nguyen

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely agree. Some people fear that the AI can takeover with its increasing intellignece. However humans are the creators of the AI, so in a sense, the AI is only as smart as we design them to be. I'm not worried about the robots taking over because, as you stated, we are coexisting in an interdependent relationship with each other. The AI depends on human programmers and human depend on AI for the everyday tasks and conveniences they perform. I don't see this relation folding, but if one side falls so will the other
    - ALfonso Gastelum


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