
Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Brave New World: A Nightmare

As I read Huxley's novel, Brave New World, I become increasingly disturbed by the genetically-engineered society that he describes.  Despite the painless life they live, the mass-produced individuals seem to cruise through life with little to no meaning at all.

Though they may be healthier and live longer lives as us today, I would never dream of being one of the futuristic humans Huxley imagines in his novel.  They seem to have fewer struggles, curiosities, and opportunities to explore ideas than we do, which would lead to a far more boring and quite frankly, futile existence.

To live in a world where are there are no families, no friendships, and no meaningful relationships would be horrid.  I think that the infamous saying "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" applies here.  Such a life filled with no deep connections is not one that I would want to live.

- Annika Haibel


  1. What about a world without violence, murder, rape, genocide? Without the pain and discomfort of aging, the indignities of physical decline? Without stress, anxiety, or worry about economic conditions? Without poverty? Homelessness?
    What about a world without loneliness?

    1. Yes, such a world would be nice, but in Huxley's eyes, I see it as a choice of all or nothing: points of loneliness with moments of intense love or neither at all. Without hardships, there is nothing to endure and overcome or be proud of.

  2. After all, everybody belongs to everybody else.

  3. I can say that I fully agree with you on not wanting to live a life without families and meaningful relationships. I find it hard to imagine what a world such as this would feel like because I already know what it feels like to have parents and other bonds with people. My mother and father to me are very important and they help me with so much. I feel that this is part of the reason for which I wouldn't like to be a human in Huxley's novel.


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