I find that the concept of Brave New World was definitively thought-provoking and quite hard to believe. London became a utopian society where "everyone belongs to everyone else." A place where nobody thinks for themselves and do as they please, but only under what the great Ford wants of course. Expanding their population by duplicating eggs called the Bokanovsky process and using hypnopaedia to raise them to believe everything they say. Taking soma to get rid of the "illusions of pain" and to push unpleasant thoughts from their mind as we see from Lenina when she meets Linda. To even think of that possibly happening in the future is unrealistic. There's absolutely no way for all of London to fall under this and have everyone to all of a sudden convert to this new idea. People like John have their strong beliefs and won't allow themselves to be overcome by an rule that takes the freedom of being your own person away. To say that passion is an emotion unworthy of this "happy society" because it causes people to be unstable is absurd. Knowing that there's many people out there who are strong-minded people, there's no possible way for every single person to fall under this idea. There are just way too many factors to consider. We can't even get people to resolve the issue of pollution, so how are we in the future going to be able to get an entire city, let alone country, to oblige to such an idea as this one?
-Mya Tan
I see your reasoning on how a large city couldn't be controlled and how this future could be not be possible. From the technology that we have now people are in a way consume from what they interact with. Yes, people could not be just convert to another idea, but over time people will be used to the new idea. Not all people who are force to follow this law will agree like Bernard, but they will continue on doing on what they're told. John came into to the city with a different mindset and that's why he believes its wrong, which shows only because your own opinion might seem correct it doesn't mean it is.
ReplyDeleteI like how you incorporated the soma into taking away the illusions of pain, because it is in the novel frequently when the characters feel stressed among other emotions. I also agree with your statement on not everyone being able to fall under the same idea. Even in Huxley's novel, there is John who has his own beliefs, and morals. Though he sees everyone else around him opposed to his ideas, he continues to stand by them. The reason for the difference in the ideas however, are because they were raised differently. In my opinion, if an entire city is raised under these laws, then they won't know any different lifestyle like the people in the novel.