There is an AP Language meeting every day at 2:00. I am looking for you on Mondays, and on the day you are scheduled, but as you know, you can change your day to fit your schedule.
The link is the same as last week.
We are working with the same prompts as last week, EXCEPT I moved them to new days, and this week we are writing the essay. You need the practice. Turn it in to, and get feedback and a score, and in the gradebook, a big extra credit boost. Many of you have been moving your grade up, and I am happy when I see you jump from a C to a B, or a B to an A. Good for you.
I want to encourage you to take the time to examine and imagine your response to the two prompts you will NOT be working with. For example, if you are a Kelley and a Kennedy, be sure to look at Louv and Thatcher and write the essay in your mind, like "how would I approach this??"
Fourth week of intensive Rhetorical Analysis Review.
Four Groups.
Group names: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Each group gets their own prompt, and we will go over that prompt in the Google Meet Up on that day that corresponds to your group. Come to the Meet Up prepared. Here's what will happen:
- We will talk about the prompt and the passage.
- I will ask you to share your writing and your thinking.
- I will review examples with you.
- You will receive extra credit for showing up prepared and for sharing in the group.
Here is information from the College Board on the essay:
This question presents students with a passage of nonfiction prose of approximately 600-800 words. Students are asked to write an essay that analyzes the writer's rhetorical choices. The question assesses students' ability to do the following:
- Respond to the prompt with a thesis that analyzes the writer's rhetorical choices
- Select and use evidence to support a line of reasoning
- Explain how evidence supports a line of reasoning
- Demonstrate an understanding of the rhetorical situation
- Use appropriate grammar and punctuation in communicating an argument
Week Three: Come to the meeting with a full SOAPS analysis, and two or three rhetorical strategies that you want to discuss. Here are the prompts. This week, I want YOU to lead the discussion.
Tuesday: 2012 Kennedy (speech)
Wednesday: 2013 Louv (excerpted prose)
Thursday: 2016 Thatcher (eulogy)
Friday: 2011 Kelley (speech)
Thursday: 2016 Thatcher (eulogy)
Friday: 2011 Kelley (speech)
This is a helpful handout that was shared by another AP teacher in a closed online group on Facebook. We hope that you will check it out and use it!